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Tuesday, May 21

12:00pm MDT

Spring Consolidated Application Work Session: Metro Region
As we transition the Consolidated Application into CDE’s new grants management system, GAINS, various training and work session opportunities will be provided this spring, including targeted technical assistance and regional in-person work sessions, to support districts and BOCES with developing their use of ESSA funds plans and budgets in the new system. A virtual GAINS system training will be provided April 17th, followed by regional work sessions designed to provide LEAs support in completing their application.

LEAs are welcome to attend any of the regional meetings, regardless of the location of the LEA. Register for the date and location of your choice. Once you register, you will receive a confirmation email. Please reach out to Rachel Echsner [echsner_r@cde.state.co.us] if you have any questions.

Target Audience: LEA staff or school leaders who support the development of the Consolidated Application or manage federal programs.

Tuesday May 21, 2024 12:00pm - 3:00pm MDT
Daniel's Fund 101 Monroe St, Denver, CO 80206

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